Friday, July 8, 2011

Broken Heart

Who was more broken-hearted now hayooo ngakuuu? Hehehe .. In order to post what ya Za beginian tips .. Hohohoho .. originator ... kinda a lil bit .. pengen ajah Ni Eniwei tips I did not write yourself .. These tips were taken from a friend who took on the mailing list who took the magazine violet .. (Mbulet right?) Hehe .. Yasudah .. Create your broken heart .. The spirit yaaa ... Life must Go on .. I Jez cans help u with this post .. Hopefully feel better yaa mengintips Enjoy tips - -Does a broken heart can be overcome? Sure. Psychologists argue that for people with a broken heart in order to remain confident and convinced that his problems will be solved by the person concerned. People who are heartbroken must continually convince himself that he can overcome a broken heart.
In turn, he was expected to accept the reality that has occurred. But through a painful period it does take time, which can range is not the same in each person. Time span that depends on how hard the business people who are broken hearted to overcome problems that impede him. Some experts suggest several actions that should be done for people who menagalami heartbreak.
1. Forget all things to your ex-lover, decide contacts, and do not let it perch on your mind. However, you do not have to hate him, meaning, friendship and the friendship it still necessary, if one day meet by accident, you do not have to dodge. And You do not have called him if not essential.

2. When you and your ex-lover never give each other stuff, just return the goods gift, or give to the needy, such as orphans foundation, or may also remove temporarily to remove the memories of him.

3. Increase social busy-busy, busy to help and lighten the burdens of others. Research shows that helping others brings a feeling of comfort to the perpetrators. Many ways to do that, eg volunteer social service, religious committee, or other useful activities.

4. You have to evaluate the failure of your relationship and learn the causes of the failure of that relationship. Pour contents of liver and uneg-uneg Into your notes or diary. Do not hesitate if you want to use swear words or sentences. Spilling all the thoughts in his head into a paper to lighten your load. The simplest way to spill your heart and mind is to write, if not, such a channel, it will be clogged and explode someday. It is also necessary, when one day when You reopen your notes, do not be surprised, if you later find its way into new things and can better understand trends in yourself. So in the future you have no idea what kind of relationship you want.

5. When lonely feelings toward you, visit your closest friends or family and do things that are fun, Talk like playing cards or things that are light and funny, like your childhood or when you go to school first.

6. Take your time to indulge yourself. Come to places that can make you relaxed and casual, like a salon, spa, reflexology massage, sauna, body scrub or even watch movies. You can also come to a party you already know before will only be attended by fewer people.

7. When the pain is so overwhelming, look for the positive channel, such as exercising, playing video games, or do meditation.

8. Tekuni back your old hobby or find a new hobby, such as through courses or training. On this occasion, you might still closed to the possibility to meet new people. Nothing is too fast to meet meet new people even though your relationship with new girlfriend ended a few days.

9. Read a book, magazine or turn the movie that can inspire you.

10. A pet is something that is interesting. Pet will give you infinite love.

Indeed, there is no definite guarantee broken heart will heal if you follow these suggestions. But at least the steps that can be a bit lighter to ignite the spirit, so you re ready for a new relationship.
People who have managed to cure her illness is often not thought before if you can get up again. Though the origin would, surely they can open hearts and fall in love again.
Source: The danger Broken Heart by Sonny Wibisono (Violet Magazine - Issue May 2006)

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